Results For Articles or Consultants
Asset Purchase Agreements
Damian is an insurance coverage attorney, expert witness, and former adjunct law professor whose legal practice focuses on representing and counseling commercial policyholders, business and trial attorneys, and insurance agents and brokers regarding insurance issues. In his consulting and expert witness practice, Damian also draws from his pre-law school experience as a claims adjuster for…
Mr. Murgio has twenty years of insurance, M&A advisory and business development experience, totaling nearly $4 billion in deal value. He has worked for numerous multibillion dollar insurance carriers, including assignments for such companies as Allstate, AIG, Allianz, Progressive, Morgan Stanley and White Mountains. Mr. Murgio has assisted international companies (UK, Netherlands, Bermuda and throughout…
Over the years, Al has been thoroughly immersed in all facets of insurance agency operations including serving on committees, instructing, consulting and as an author. Building a solid track record of performance assisting agencies and company operations including mergers, acquisitions, divestitures, perpetuation and strategic planning, organizational development, compensation and salary administration programs, administrative and financial…
Areas of Expertise
- Accident Reconstruction (1)
- Account Collection Solutions (3)
- Account Collection Solutions (2)
- Account Development (10)
- Accounting & Auditing (10)
- Accounting/Auditing (6)
- Acquisition Candidate Identification (8)
- Acquisition Candidate Identification (4)
- Actuarial Services (3)
- Actuarial Services (1)
- Advisory Director Service (5)
- Agency - Broker - Wholesaler Relationships (17)
- Agency - Company Disputes (37)
- Agency Acquisitions - Mergers - Sales (14)
- Agency Analysis (17)
- Agency Management (31)
- Agency Profile Report (8)
- Agency/Broker Valuations (5)
- Agent - Agency (56)
- Agent/Broker Performance Reviews (18)
- Agent/Broker Selection (29)
- Appraisal of Agencies (13)
- Arbitration (19)
- Arbitrator (15)
- Assessment of Viability (3)
- Asset Purchase Agreements (3)
- Attorney (14)
- Audit Review of Defense Expenses (5)
- Automation Analysis/Purchasing (3)
- Bad Faith (45)
- Bank Owned Agencies (21)
- Bank Performance/Review (2)
- Bank Regulatory Issues (1)
- Binding Authority (9)
- Brochure Development (4)
- Brokerage of Agencies/ Books of Business (11)
- Brokerage of Company Books of Business (7)
- Business Broker - Companies (10)
- Business Broker - Wholesalers & MGAs (11)
- Business Continuity Planning (15)
- Business Interruption (1)
- Buy/Sell Agreements (8)
- Capital Management (3)
- Captive Insurance Company Formation (9)
- Captive Insurance Feasibility Studies (9)
- Captive Related (11)
- Cash Flow & Budget Analysis (1)
- Cash Flow and Budget Analysis (9)
- Cash Flow and Budget Analysis (2)
- Claims Handling (59)
- Claims Management/Control (39)
- Cluster Development and Consulting (8)
- Company - Reinsurance Disputes (17)
- Company - Wholesaler - MGA (29)
- Company Profile Report (3)
- Compensation Analysis (7)
- Compliance Training (4)
- Compliance/Reporting (2)
- Contract Negotiation/Drafting (15)
- Contract Review (23)
- Contract vs.Coverage Analysis (26)
- Contractual Disputes (17)
- Corporate Modeling (5)
- Corporate Modeling (4)
- Corporations & Enterprise (41)
- Coverage - Claim Disputes - L&H (15)
- Coverage - Claim Disputes - P&C (61)
- Coverage Opinions (Post Loss) (26)
- Coverage Opinions (Pre Loss) (25)
- Crisis Management (14)
- Crisis Planning and Management (5)
- Cross Marketing (10)
- Customs (21)
- Customs, Standards, Practices & Duties - L&H (11)
- Customs, Standards, Practices & Duties - P&C (48)
- Damage Assessment (13)
- Data Management (4)
- Data Management (1)
- Deceptive Trade Practices (21)
- Delegated Authority Approval (2)
- Disaster Manuals (7)
- Disciplinary Matters (2)
- Dispute Management (17)
- Drafting/Negotiating Agreements (5)
- Due Diligence Investigations (10)
- Due Diligence Investigations (13)
- Due Diligence Investigations (8)
- Duties (44)
- E&O Avoidance and Prevention (45)
- Education (30)
- Education (62)
- Education/Professional Development (21)
- Employee Compensation/Management (14)
- Employee Procedures Manuals (13)
- Employer Operating Practices Manuals (10)
- Employment Agreements (8)
- Employment Practices (5)
- Enterprise Risk Consulting (22)
- Entity Formation (4)
- Entity Licensing (6)
- Equity Ownership Disputes (1)
- Errors & Omissions - L&H (16)
- Errors & Omissions - P&C (54)
- Errors and Omissions Cases (20)
- ESOP and Retirement Plans (3)
- Expert Witness - Litigation Support (81)
- Fair Market Valuations - Insurance Companies (4)
- Fair Market Valuations - Premium Finance Companies (1)
- Fair Market Valuations - Reinsurance Companies (1)
- Financial (23)
- Financial (15)
- Financial Turn around and Improvement (4)
- Financial Turn around and Improvement (3)
- Financial Turnaround & Improvement (2)
- Forensic Claim Analysis (11)
- Formation & Licensing (2)
- General Counsel Services (7)
- General Services (6)
- Government & Public Entity (11)
- Incentive Plans (4)
- Information Technology - Planning (2)
- Information Technology - Stratigic Planning (4)
- Information Technology - System Design/Installation (1)
- Information Technology (IT) Training (4)
- Information Technology (IT) Training (1)
- Insurance Bidding (20)
- Insurance Captive - Formation & Management (5)
- Insurance Company Performance Reviews (15)
- Insurance Company Valuations (2)
- Insurance Coverage Analysis/Design (37)
- Insurance Product Development (12)
- Insurance Related (44)
- Internet Marketing (4)
- Legal - Litigation - Claims (83)
- Legal Consulting (51)
- Life and Health Sales (5)
- Loan Acquisition (2)
- Lobbying (1)
- London/International Market Relations (6)
- Loss Control Consulting (17)
- Loss Reserve Adequacy Review (4)
- Management (35)
- Management (35)
- Management Consulting (22)
- Management Consulting (22)
- Market Conduct Audits (2)
- Marketing Plans (9)
- Marketing Programs (9)
- Mediation (18)
- Mediator (11)
- Merger - Acquisition - Divestiture Advice (12)
- Merger - Acquisition - Divestiture Advice (6)
- Mergers/Sales/Acquisitions (6)
- MGA Valuations (4)
- Niche Market Development (8)
- Non-Compete/Non-Piracy Covenants (11)
- Operating Agreements (2)
- Operational Audits (12)
- Other (8)
- Other (4)
- Perpetuation Planning (8)
- Practice (45)
- Predictive Moding/ Loss Forecasting (3)
- Producer Acquisition/Compensation/Management (12)
- Producer Agreements (14)
- Producer Coaching/Development (25)
- Producer/Employee Recruitment (8)
- Professional Development (36)
- Profit Center Design and Development (6)
- Program Design/Development (5)
- Prototype Agreements (1)
- Regulatory/Disciplinary (5)
- Regulatory/Licensing (7)
- Reinsurance Expertise (12)
- Reorganization Assistance (4)
- Reputational Risk Management (9)
- Retail - Wholesale Relationships (12)
- Retrospective/Cost-Plus/Loss-Sensitive Rating (12)
- Risk Assessment Services (25)
- Risk Management (42)
- Risk Management Planning (25)
- Sale and Acquisition Consulting (16)
- Sale and Acquisition Consulting (8)
- Sales - Mergers - Acquisition (20)
- Sales - Mergers - Acquisition (11)
- Sales Training (17)
- Sales Training (8)
- Sales, Mergers & Acquisitions - See Business Brokers (5)
- Security/Compliance (1)
- Seminar Presentations (33)
- Seminar Presentations (15)
- Service Center Development (3)
- Staff Development (13)
- Standards (47)
- State Continuing Education Credit (21)
- State Continuing Education Credit (11)
- Statutory Auditing (4)
- Statutory Financial Reporting (2)
- Stock Purchase Agreements (3)
- Strategic Planning/Long-Range Consulting (13)
- Strategy Development (2)
- Structured Settlements (4)
- Third Party Administration (18)
- Third Party Administrator Audits (12)
- Umpire (10)
- Underwriting - L&H (8)
- Underwriting - P&C (36)
- Underwriting Audits & Reviews (12)
- Underwriting Training/Monitoring (9)
- Unfair Claims Settlement Practices (35)
- Valuations (12)
- Valuations - Insurance Entities (4)
- Wage and Hour Claims (1)
- Webinars (23)
- Webinars (12)
- Wholesaler Valuations (4)
- Wrongful Cancellation (22)
- Wrongful Termination/Discrimination/Harassment (6)