Lee Hoffman
Expert Consultants
Professional Member
Lee M. Hoffman & Associates, LLC
(574) 532-1587
Lee Hoffman is a Consulting Expert on matters related to commercial and personal property and casualty insurance and risk. His expertise includes policy interpretation and claim denials, agency operations, errors & omissions, customs and practice, standard of care, duties and how to create seamless interoperation of insurance with risk.
His expertise includes insurance agency automation systems. His knowledge of automation system terminology and operational process is invaluable in helping attorneys uncover critical evidence. This includes client specific logs, journals, emails, company uploads, downloads, online rating, and documents of all type that otherwise might be lost in a standard discovery request.
Mr. Hoffman also consults on contracts as they relate to insurance, indemnification, hold harmless and risk transfer agreements. He helps attorneys analyze exposures to risk created by contracts and contractual negotiations then assists with the drafting of risk transfer, insurance and indemnification agreements to help fund those agreements.
He also works in the retail insurance industry preforming agency related risk management and loss control. He teaches, mentors and consults on insurance agents E&O prevention, risk analysis, coverage needs and practical application of insurance concepts.
Mr. Hoffman is enterprise risk management consultant for an international steel company and also serves on the Faculty of the Independent Insurance Agents of America Virtual University.
Company Info
Lee M. Hoffman & Associates, LLC
1800 River Bluff St
Niles, MI 49120
(574) 532-1587
(269) 684-9596
Articles by Lee